


Abdominal Classes


Chi ball abdominal workout with Lara

This is a moderate difficulty abdominal workout. If you would like to make it more difficult feel free to increase the sets. This is not suitable for anyone with osteoporosis, pre or postnatal or may not be suitable if you have low back pain. Please cease if back pain occurs.


Chi abdominal workout with Laura

If you do not have a chi ball, this workout can be completed without, however the ball adds an extra element of instability and allows you to work through a full range. It is moderate to difficult. It is not suitable for pre/postnatal, osteoporosis.


Beginner/osteoporosis abdominal workout

This abdominal workout is for beginner-moderate experienced clients. It was designed specifically for clients with osteoporosis who are unable to do our other flexion based abdominal workouts. It is also suitable for anyone with low back pain or prenatal clients.


Advanced Abdominal Workout

Not for anyone with injuries (low back, wrist pathologies, neck or shoulder). This is a 30 minutes power abdominal workout, you can do this on its own or add on a gluteal series to make it an hour session. This workout will leave you with sore abdominals and obliques, you may even find your lats are sore from all that weight bearing. If you want to feel your workout getting in/out of bed for the the next few days this workout is for you. Proceed with caution! This workout should be performed once your deep core muscles are working well, as its focus is on global core muscles (the ones that sit on top).


Abs and Arms

Utilising the chi ball and light weights if you have them. Starts by opening your chest and mobilising your spine in preparation to work your abdominal muscles including your obliques. Finish it off with your arms burning with a standing arm workout! Not suitable for osteoporosis.


Lower abdominals and inner thighs

This workout is designed to activate/strengthen those lower abdominal muscles, our inner thighs (adductor muscles) contribute to good pelvic floor and core activation as they are linked via fascia.

Suitable post natal as these muscles become inactive during late stages of pregnancy.


Abs and Arms

You will need a chi ball and theraband for this workout. Focusing on the abdominals and arms.