


Arm Classes


Bala bracelet arm workout with Laura

This 10 minute arm workout can be used on its own or in combination with the glute and abdominal programs for a complete full body workout. It is suitable for a general workout, pre/post natal, osteoporosis. It is not suitable for anyone with shoulder issues such as dislocations, supraspinatus tendinopathy, impingement or frozen shoulder.


Quick tricep blast- no equipment required

This 7 minute workout targets arms, specifically triceps. The final exercise uses a TheraBand, however if you do not have a band you can skip the last exercise. It can be used as a lone 7 minute blast or can complement other sessions such as my TheraBand glute video for a full body workout. This is for moderate to advanced clients. It is not for those with carpal tunnel/wrist issues. It is suitable for clients who have osteoporosis and those that are pregnant/postnatal.


Arm strengthening program with Maddi

This program was specifically created for prenatal clients, however it is suitable for everyone wanting to strengthen their arms, including those with osteoporosis. It might not be suitable if you have shoulder injuries so consult with your physio if this is you.


Arm strengthening program with Lara

Using wrist weight or nothing at all, this is a great arm toning workout. This workout is suitable for all levels of experience and abilities, including osteoporosis and is great for postnatal. It is not suitable during later stages of pregnancy when you are unable to lie on your stomach or it may not be suitable if you have shoulder impingement.


Postural -Upper Back

With all the time we spend at the desk people tend to get tight pecs and stiff rounded upper back. Once your upper back is stiff it is difficult to extend backwards so your body finds a cheat and arches from your lower back, which can then lead to lower back pain. To start with we are going to work on some mobility into our upper backs, then we will focus on strengthening the back extensors to hold us into better posture. If you have been sitting at the computer too long, combine this with the foam roller workout for a complete postural stretch and strengthen program. This program is great for general strengthening and is also perfect for those stiff postnatal upper backs or for those with osteoporosis.


30 minute Abs and Arms

You will need a chi ball and theraband for this workout. Focusing on the abdominals and arms.

Arms become very important during the later stages of pregnancy as you can no longer use your abdominal muscles to Sit to stand your arms start to help out. Abdominal strengthening in this workout includes chest lifts which should be fine, if you notice buldging/doming or your tummy during these or any discomfort don't continue.