
Pre/post natal


Pre/post natal Classes


Pregnancy workout

Safe for pre and post natal. Great focus on pelvic floor recruitment and posture. This program is designed to keep your body fit and flexible during all stages of pregnancy and into post-natal recovery.


Post Natal Level 1

This is a Level 1 postnatal program. It is designed to help you reconnect with your deep abdominal muscles after they have been stretched and if you have remaining diastasis recti (abdominal separation). The exercises are designed to assist your recovery from pregnancy and labour.

Once you have had clearance from your doctor, this is the best place to start back exercising. You should continue these exercises a minimum 2 weeks before progressing to Level 2. If you are having any difficulties with these exercises; if you feel heaviness or dragging in pelvis, if you are having any incontinence issues or if your separation is increasing as you perform the exercises, you must cease until you consult with your womens health physio.


Post Natal 2

This workout out should follow post natal level 1. Move onto this workout once you have spent 2 weeks on level 1 sessions. These post-natal workouts address abdominal separation, pelvic floor weakness and postural issues associated with breastfeeding and nursing a baby.


Pregnancy Part 1 (glutes)


Pregnancy Part 2 (arms)


Second Trimester


Second Trimester Slider

You will only need one slider or wear a sock or use a tea towel/ washer under one foot.


Post Natal Level 1

You will need a long theraband for this workout. Standing posture is emphasised during this session. With a focus on opening the chest and strengthening upper back and arm muscles to help reverse that rounder shoulder posture commonly adopted with breast feeding and nursing your baby. Deep core and gluteals are also worked towards the end, to ensure the pelvis and lower back are protected and muscles start to work in the optimal position.


Post Natal Level 1- First Workout

This workout has been designed to be your first workout after baby. Please get clearance from you GP or obstetrician, usually around that 6 week mark for vaginal delivery and pending no complications. Its always a great idea to book in to see a Womens Health Physio to check and get exercises that are right for you.


Pregnancy arm workout

No equipment required, this bodyweight arm workout is designed to assist you with getting up from sitting or getting out of bed. Those simple movements now require so much more strength from our arms as our abdominals can no longer assist and weight is increasing. This functional workout can be done twice if you are feeling up to it.


Foam Roller Pregnancy


5 min Booty Band Workout

You will need a theraband loop or the fabric booty band. This is a quick leg and gluteal workout. It can be added to another workout or on its own if you are time poor. Please feel free to repeat 2-3 times if you have the time.


Pregnancy Full Body Workout

You require sliders and hand weights/bala braclets are optional.


Abs and Arms

You will need a chi ball and theraband for this workout. Focusing on the abdominals and arms. Arms become very important during the later stages of pregnancy as you can no longer use your abdominal muscles to sit to stand, your arms start to help out. Abdominal strengthening in this workout includes chest lifts which should be fine, if you notice buldging/doming in your tummy during these or any discomfort do not continue.


Post Natal with Laura

This workout will help you gain movement into those areas that are prone to getting stiff during pregnancy and after pregnancy (the postures you undertake whilst breastfeeding/nursing/carrying your new bub and the posture you may have adopted to carry around your baby especially in those last few months of pregnancy). Once we have gained some mobility, we then progress to activating muscles and strengthening them to help us regain optimal posture.


Second Trimester Wall Workout

Standing series- stand near a wall/ bench or stable chair for balance.


Full Body Slider Workout


Full Body Theraband Workout


Second Trimester Slider Workout


Pregnancy Foam roller


Second Trimester- Chi Ball

This is a gentle strengthening program for the complete body. It aims to strengthen, tone and stabilise to support your body throughout the rapid changes it will undergo. All you need it your chi ball and your mat.